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Cruise Search

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daycharter search

<wls-search-day query="group=auto"></wls-search-day>

In the example below you can see a possible configuration of the module. Here, for example, only houseboats are displayed whose dates have a length of 7 nights.

<wls-search-day query="group=auto; date_from=2022-09-09;"></wls-search-day>

For example, if the module is located on the page https://docs.5-anker.com/wls/demo/tagescharter.html, the filter can be adjusted using URL parameters.



This module provides various attributes. The query attribute can be used to preset the search. The fields attribute shows or hides the filters to be displayed.

Query Attribut

Query Werte Typ Beispiel Beschreibung
date_from DATE 2019-03-05 Abfahrtsdatum (ab)
date_to DATE 2019-09-09 Ankunftsdatum (bis)
duration API btw:2,13 Reiselänge in Nächten
page INT 1 Seite
limit INT 12 Limit
boat_id API in:1,2,3 Boots ID
typ API w Bootsart (w=Wochencharter, d=Tagescharter)
q STRING Pedro Skiron Suchparameter
basement API lk:Marina % Basisname
basement_id API in:1,2,3 Basis ID
radius INT 100 Radius (Umkreissuche, wenn Adresse angegeben wurde)
address STRING Teststrasse 1, 12123 Stadt Adresse
team_id API in:1,2,3 Unternehmens ID
team API in:CU1,CU2 Unternehmensname
boat_type_id API in:1,2 Bootsart ID
boat_type_group API in:houseboat,sportboat Bootsart (Gruppe)
region API lk:Berlin Region → zur Liste
region_id API in:1,2,3 Regions ID → zur Liste
country API DE Land (ISO)
model_id API in:1,2,3 Modell ID
model API in:Skiron 2,Skiron 3 Modellname
manufacturer_id API in:1,2,3 Hersteller ID
manufacturer API in:Pedro Herstellername
decor API in:TV,Sat Ausstattungen
animals BOOLEAN 1 Haustiere erlaubt (1=ja, 0=nein)
special BOOLEAN 0 Spezialboot (veraltet)
name API Elena Bootsname
bond API gte:100 Kaution
engine API Diesel Motor
ps API lte:15 PS
length API gte:4.4 Länge
width API gt:1 Breite
height API lte:2 Höhe
depth API gt:2 Tiefgang
people API btw:2,8 Personen
drive API 0 Antriebsart
cabins API btw:2,5 Kabinen
berth_fixed API btw:2,5 Kojen (fest)
berth_variable API btw:2,5 Kojen (variabel)
toilets API btw:2,5 Toiletten
showers API btw:2,5 Duschen
group STRING model Gruppierung (model, title, hard, item, auto)
check_in INT 5 CheckIn Tag (0=Sonntag)
check_out INT 2 CheckOut Tag (0=Sonntag)
category API lkp:Last-Minute Kategorie
min_price API gte:500 Mindestpreis
max_price API lte:1500 Maximalpreis
sale BOOLEAN 1 Zeigt nur Termine mit Rabatten an

Field Attribut

Field Werte Beschreibung
region_id Land / Region
date_from früheste Abfahrt
duration Reisedauer
date_to späteste Ankunft
sort Sortierung
boat_type_group Bootsart
people Personen
cabins Kabinen
thruster Strahlruder
drive Antriebsart
q Suchfeld
animals Tiermitnahme
license ohne Führerschein
submit Boote suchen Button

Further attributes

The following additional attributes are available for configuring this module. If an attribute is not stored, the default value is used.

Attribute Default value Description
redirect value to window.connect.redirects.booking Redirect to boot/terminal. If no value is present, the boat page will be included directly.
fields region_id,date_from,date_to,duration,people,submit,boat_type_group,cabins,thruster,construction,q,animals,license filters to display
button Search button label

Letztes Update: June 1, 2023
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